Another David Preston Book

It’s already been a couple weeks since I published another book for David Preston. I did the final editing for him, and then formatted the book for both Paperback and Kindle, contracted a cover design, and published it on

The book, Victim Ride, is the fifth book in David’s “Harrison Thomas Mystery” series.

“Someone from Harrison Thomas’ past intends to kill him, evidently to avenge the death of a loved one slain by Harrison. But who? He has never killed anyone! He must search through his past to find his assailant. If he does not do it quickly, he will die.”

I again used Fiverr for the artwork. I used the same artist that did the cover for Marcia Marsha Marczia. I liked the previous cover this artist did for me, and she came through again with what I think is a great cover for David’s latest book.

Where to buy? Victim Ride is only available through Amazon, in both Paperback and Kindle formats.

You can find all of David’s Harrison Thomas Mystery books here.